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  • Writer's picturejanelle slater


NOTE: This story serves as the prologue to the novels. It may change between now and the final draft. This began as an exercise from a prompt asking to write a scene from a villain’s past, with the ultimate goal of creating justification for their actions–even if it is just in the villain’s own mind.

Even then, God was simply a bright light to the three of us unicorns who stood below him. We were chosen as “ambassadors”, to speak with Him and convince Him that the unicorn race was not worth obliterating. Ares, the oldest of my friends, had a special way with words, words that were sure to convince God that we should stay.

And Athena…oh dear Athena. Her fiery personality could not be matched by any other unicorn; no matter how hard they tried. She was the most stoic and loyal, qualities that would surely appease God. As for me, I was the young warrior, having outmatched most other unicorns living in the Garden of Eden since the dawn of time. My quick thinking and leadership was very much valued, and something that I believed God would take into consideration.

You three are the ambassadors, yes?” He asked.

The three of us nodded our heads, and I was so sure that I had seen Ares tremble a bit in anticipation. Athena stepped forward, tentatively offering the sacrifices we had made to give to God. Instead, He simply waved them away.

I have no need for them. “ He said. “Such vile things are for my…creations down there.” He said, gesturing down towards the earth.

Now. What have you three to convince me that I should let the unicorns stay? Many of you have fallen to the wicked ways of humans, and few of you are pure of heart.

I watched as Ares took a step forward, lowering himself into a bow of respect before lifting his head towards God.

“Almighty, we understand that we have wronged You. There was indeed a time when we were all pure of heart, many years ago. We respected You, and to this day, many of us still do. Not all of us are wicked, and all we ask is that You give our race a second chance to prove ourselves.” Ares said. He then took a step back, retreating back to Athena’s side.

God stood silently, as if He were judging Ares’ words. The three of us watched him carefully, each of us holding our own thoughts in the stillness of our hearts. I was certain that even with Ares’ words, we would still perish.After a long period of silence, He spoke again.

There are places that I have created on this Earth, that I would like to keep hidden from the eyes of the new human race. If I were to allow the unicorn race to survive, those of you that are pure of heart shall be appointed to guard these places, in return for your survival. Do you three, as ambassadors, agree to these terms?

Ares, Athena, and I all exchanged glances, thinking of our other brethren who remained back in Eden. Would they agree to this? I assumed that they would, if only to ensure our survival. Stepping forward, I looked up, squinting against the bright light of the Almighty.

“We agree.” I said, offering a low bow. Ares and Athena bowed as well, in agreement with me. God, seeming pleased with our decision, waved his hand, and we felt ourselves being lifted up into the air, up until we were eye level with what I believed to be his “face”.

As for you three, then, I bestow the greatest responsibility. When the seven seals to begin the Apocalypse are opened, you three will bear the titles of Conquest, War, and Famine.” He said. Before either of us could speak, he lifted Ares a little higher, speaking to him first.

Ares, you are to become the Bearer of Conquest. When the time comes, you will conquer the nations of the Earth.

“As is your command, Lord.” Ares said, as he was brought back down to the ground. I looked over to Athena then, as she was lifted in the same matter that Ares was. Her mane and tail billowed out behind her as her hooves left the ground.

Athena, you shall become the Bearer of War. When the time comes, you will take peace from the Earth, and create war.

Athena gave him a solemn nod, as she too was lifted down the ground, placed right next to Ares. The two of them then looked over to me, and I felt myself being lifted up in the same matter.

And Limos. You shall become the Bearer of Famine. When the time comes, you will cause hunger and pestilence throughout the Earth.

My eyes widened, and I had to force myself to keep my jaw from hanging open. Famine?

I knew humans had become wicked, and that they weren’t the best of His creations to be associating ourselves with, but I couldn’t imagine having to bring something like that to them. Something like what Ares and Athena had would have been much easier to deal with.

But instead, I hung my head, and nodded, as God lifted me down, placing me next to Athena and Ares. Then, in a brilliant flash of light, He was gone. The three of us exchanged unsure glances, before I began the descent down the mountain. God's voice echoed from the heavens above, coming from every direction all at once.

“There will be a fourth, bearing the title of Death. Death shall be born to one of you three, and shall realize their potential when the time comes.”


As the three of us made our way back to our home, we were silent, reflecting on the powers bestowed upon us. Being a Bearer meant that we were slightly more powerful than our average kin, and that our powers were only to be used when the famed Apocalypse began.

“So…what are we supposed to tell the others?” Athena asked, breaking the silence. Ares and I looked to each other, before focusing our attention back to her.

“I’m sure that telling the truth wouldn’t hurt, would it? I mean, wouldn’t it just be against the rules to lie?” I asked.

“Yes, it would be. But at the same time, I don’t think now is the proper time. When that time comes, we will jointly decide to tell the others. Until then, keep to yourselves, and do not tell a single soul.” Ares said.

Being that Ares was the oldest of us, Athena and I thought it wise to listen to him. We soon approached the golden gates of Eden, guarded from above by the archangel Uriel. Upon seeing us, he stowed his flaming sword away and descended to greet us.

“I was wondering when you three would return! The rest of us were sure that negotiations with the Lord hadn’t gone well!” Uriel exclaimed, as he somehow enveloped the three of us in a hug. Pulling away, Uriel opened the gates, saving us the energy of having to pool our magic together just to open the great golden things.

“So tell me,” Uriel began, as the gates slowly closed behind us, “what decisions were made?” Athena and I both thought it smart to let Ares speak, so that we wouldn’t accidentally slip up.

“We will be allowed to live. But in return, we must become guardians of the Earth’s mythical places, to keep them hidden from God’s new creations.” Ares said. Uriel nodded slowly, fluttering his wings in one movement to keep himself aloft.

“Anything else?” he asked, his tone hinting that he undoubtedly knew what we had been trying to hide all along. Ares sighed in defeat, trotting forward a few paces to keep up with us.

“Yes. The three of us were appointed as the Bearers of the Apocalypse.” confessed Ares, as he looked to Athena and I. Uriel, seeming satisfied with the answer, held a finger to his lips.

“Don’t fret, you three. I’ll be sure not to tell a soul, because like the three of you, the other archangels and I have been sworn to secrecy. We’re to keep an extra special watch out for you.” Uriel said, departing before any of us could blink.

“Well. So much for keeping it until the “right time”, huh Ares?” I said, nudging my friend’s shoulder. He snorted, and pushed back.

“The archangels were probably informed before us. Now come on, let’s go before we cause any more worry for the blessing.” he said.


It had been several thousand years since the day we became Bearers. We didn’t receive much questioning from the others, as they were content with simply being allowed to live. God started the world anew, praising Noah and his family for being the only faithful humans left.

As for Ares, Athena, and I, we were able to return to our normal lives, besides the secret that bound the three of us together. Ares found a beautiful mare by the name of Serenity, and he fathered a small colt by her, and they named him Aaetpio. Athena found a mate as well, and became the mother of two young foals.

As for myself?

I hadn’t found a mate, and the mares who seemed to find an ounce of interest turned away from me after some amount of time. I really didn’t have a clue as to why, but I figured that maybe I wasn’t what they wanted after all.A slight breeze picked up as I reclined against the thick trunk of the oak tree that I was under. It ruffled my mane as it blew past, moving downwards towards the rolling green hills below. I decided to head on down to the lake that we also used as water to drink, and for the first time in a while, I looked at the reflection staring back at me, and it hit me like a sack of bricks.

There stood the reason why it seemed like none of the mares found any interest in me. My eyes…well, for lack of a better word, it seemed like they had sunken, making them look darker than they actually were. But the most horrifying thing was that my ribs and joints jutted out, as if I hadn’t eaten in ages. Recoiling from my visage, I turned my head towards where the others were, narrowing my eyes at Ares and Athena in particular.

In comparison to me, they were lean, their eyes bright and their bodies strong…nothing like the creature I’d become. I knew I would grow to resent my role as a Bearer. I watched as Ares (once reluctant to even acknowledge his son before) chased the young colt around, until he ended up in a crumpled heap on the ground with his son nipping at his ears.

They seemed so…happy. I looked back at my reflection. I used to be just as happy and carefree. I didn’t have to hold such a terrible burden. And what did I get for saving their lives?

“This.” I said, spitting with disgust at my reflection in the lake. The reflection distorted as I turned away, looking again at the others.

Run and play while you can, you pathetic idiots. You’ll regret creating such a monster soon enough.

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