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  • Writer's picturejanelle slater

Ceremony of Names


Out of the bushes came a lanky legged foal, nearly stumbling over his pink hooves as he heard his father call for him. He galloped across the deep green grass, which rolled gently with the wind as the foal came to a skidding stop before his father, who looked down at him sternly.

"Yes, dad?" Bob asked, looking up into his father's deep blue eyes. He frowned, expecting his father to reprimand him for leaving something unattended. His ears were pinned back, waiting for Ares to say something, but instead of a punishment, his father smiled gently at him, pulling his son in closer to him.

"Bob, your sister has been born! Come, your mother wants us there to see who is selected as her guardian angel, and what name will be chosen for her." Ares said as the two of them walked side by side to where the ceremony was to take place. The Ceremony of Names, as it was called, was a ceremony that was held every time a unicorn foal was born into the blessing, attended by the other unicorns and the angels. Bob couldn't wipe the smile off his face, excitement spreading through his small body as they moved closer. Ares peered down at his son, and he couldn't help but smile at him as they walked, his deep blue hooves falling in step next to Bob's pink ones. He was never one to show much emotion, but this was his second foal, and if anything could put a smile on his face, it was his family.

The clearing was encircled by cherry blossom trees, covering most of the area with a generous amount of shade from the sun overhead. Some of the flowers had begun to fall, covering the ground with soft pink petals. In the middle of it was Bob's mother, lying on her side as she recovered. Her tail was curled close to her body as if she was trying to keep herself warm on a cold, blustering day, even though the sun was shining brightly through the canopy of the trees. Surrounding her was the rest of their blessing, who perked up at the sight of their leader and his son. Athena came trotting over to them, greeting Bob with a nuzzle.

"Ares, Serenity is doing just fine. We're just waiting for the rest of the angels now." Athena said, her golden eyes meeting Ares' concerned gaze. Bob bounded past the two of them over to his mother, who raised her head from the ground with a weak smile as her oldest came to her side.

"Bob," Serenity began, as she s she moved her tail to reveal their family's newest member, "meet your new little sister." Her bright red mane bounced lightly in the breeze as she gestured for her son to join them in the grass.

Bob knelt next to his baby sister, as she looked up at him with the same deep blue eyes like his. Her hair was a light lavender, and her hooves were the same. Bob was beyond happy, his heart swelling with a mixture of excitement and love. He knew that from this moment on, he would do anything to protect his baby sister.

Before he could say anything to his mother, the angels began to arrive, preceded by the soft beat of their wings as they landed amongst the blessing, their gaze falling on the newborn unicorn. The blessing touched their horns and forelegs to the ground in a bow of respect to the winged creatures, who bowed in return.

"Ah, I love the little ones, they're always so cute." one of the angels commented, as she approached Serenity in one swift motion, feet brushing the tips of the grass. She then knelt in respect to Serenity and then turned to Bob.

"Young one, may I see her?" the angel asked. Bob nodded slowly, but merely moved a few inches, not wanting to leave his mother's side just yet. The angel cooed at the newborn, who responded with a small yawn and a drowsy smile.

"Zadriel, come away from the little one, her guardian angel is on their way soon." another angel called out. Zadriel gave the newborn unicorn a gentle pat on the head, before returning to the group of angels interspersed with the unicorns. Athena and Ares finished their small conversation, and Ares joined his family in the center of the circle, nuzzling Serenity as he knelt next to his son and newborn daughter. He then looked at his daughter, seeing his reflection in her eyes as she looked up at him. He reached down to touch his nose with hers, just as he had with Bob when he was just a newborn.

A small commotion broke the peaceful moment, causing both Ares and Serenity to turn towards the group surrounding them. Ahead of them, right by where Athena and Zadriel stood, there was a great ball of fire, that shone brighter than the sun. A sword was encased within the flames, which descended slowly in between the circle of angels and unicorns, and Ares' family.

"Ares, Bearer of War, and Serenity, the great healer. We see that you and Serenity have had a second little one." the sword said, its ethereal voice echoing throughout the clearing. It was clear, but with a musical tone to it. Ares and Serenity nodded as Bob watched with curiosity, being that he hadn't seen such an impressive thing before. The last unicorn to have been born to their small blessing was quite some time ago, at an age where he was far too young to remember how the ceremony had gone.

"Her guardian angel has been chosen." the voice said. The sword then descended further, until it was floating just above the blades of grass. Its form shifted to reveal a unicorn with six crimson wings, tipped with dark brown at the ends. Soft brown eyes looked down on the unicorn family, regarding them with a smile as they recognized him. He stood taller than the others surrounding them, even though this was not his true form. But it was certainly enough to grab everyone's attention, as he slowly approached them.

"Archangel Raphael?" Ares breathed in astonishment. While he was truly humbled by the fact that both his foals had been blessed by not one, but two archangels, he couldn't help but be surprised. He bowed his head in respect to Raphael, who shook his head and waved his hoof dismissively.

"There is no need, Ares. It is an honor to be the guardian of your little one here." Raphael said, turning his eyes upon Bob's new sister. He stepped past the navy maned unicorn and towards Serenity, bowing his head towards her.

"Serenity, your daughter will grow up to be a fine unicorn just like her brother." Raphael said, with a bright smile.

"Thank you, Raphael." Serenity said, her ice-blue eyes shining with joy.

Raphael then raised his head as if he were looking towards the sky, and his horn began to glow with an intensely green light. The angels and unicorns watched as Raphael's eyes began to glow the same bright shade of green, and he went into a trance-like state as if hypnotized by something that the rest of them could not see.

"Little one," Raphael began, as his wings began to unfold, spreading slowly to their full length, "the name I have chosen for you is Torzoxi."

He lowered his head down to Torzoxi's level, and touched his horn to her forehead, to seal the name to her. At that moment, his wings had fully unfurled, as the others watched in amazement of the display.

"Your name embodies one who will rise in strength, whether that is here or amongst our Lord's creations on Earth." Raphael said, his melodic voice seemingly coming from all directions at once. His horn slowly faded back to the same chestnut color as the rest of his body, and his eyes returned to the soft chocolate brown that they had been previously.

"And I am your guardian angel Raphael." he continued, kneeling to the foal so that they were now facing each other.

"We are now bonded, and you can always find peace in the fact that you will find me by your side in the toughest of situations." Raphael said, before turning his attention to Bob.

"Little Aaetpio, of Gabriel. You must promise me that you will care for your sister, for as long as you two live. You are her older brother, her protector."

Bob nodded, blue eyes wide with wonder as the archangel addressed him. He didn't even bother to correct Raphael using his real name instead of his nickname.

"Thank you for your blessings Raphael. We are truly honored." Serenity said, touching her horn to the archangel's to thank him. Ares did the same, and with a nod, the archangel folded his wings back to his sides and turned away from them for a moment.

"Unicorns of Eden, rejoice! Welcome, little Torzoxi!" Raphael announced, his voice buoyant with joy. The other unicorns and angels cheered for the new addition to their blessing, before turning their attention to Raphael once more.

"Ares and Serenity, congratulations once more." Raphael said, turning his attention back to the family. He then disappeared into a bright white light that faded as quickly as it had appeared, along with the other angels that had surrounded the blessing.

"Torzoxi! Torzoxi! Torzoxi!" the unicorns cheered, as Athena broke away from the group towards Ares, Serenity, and Bob. Her golden eyes rested on the foal, who had since fallen asleep at her mother's side despite the cheering.

"Your children will go on to do great things. It's not every day that we have two foals blessed by archangels." Athena said, looking at Ares and Serenity.

The pair bowed their heads humbly, and Athena couldn't help but smile.

"Come now Serenity, let's get you back to the nursery so that you and Torzoxi can rest." Athena said. Serenity rose in agreement and used the little magic energy she had left to carry Torzoxi to the nursery, leaving her mate and son behind in the grass. Bob watched them until he could no longer see the brilliant red mane of his mother, and turned his attention to Ares.

"Dad?" Bob asked.

"Yes?" Ares responded.

"Was Athena right? Are me and my sister really destined for great things?" Bob asked. Ares smiled and pulled his son closer to him, nuzzling him in a rare display of affection.

"Of course my son. You and your sister are my pride and joy, next to your mother. But for now, enjoy your foalhood." Ares said. Bob nodded, and wriggled out of his father's grasp, darting off to play with the other foals that were around his age.

Ares quietly watched his son play with the other foals, with a serene expression upon his face. Athena's parting words echoed in his head, and he could feel the warmth of a bright future ahead for both his children.

"They are destined for greatness."

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